Contemporary World History Part 2 (Period 2 & 5)

Course Description

Contemporary World History Part 2 is an elective course worth 5 credits.
Please read all attached files as they appear below throughout the quarter.  New files will be added for each unit as we progress.
For each unit of this class you are required to read the article, write a summary, and copy the chapter notes in order to be prepared for the unit exam.  For the unit exam, your job will be to write a short response (at least one half page) that explains the connection between the subject of the unit article and the period from US History that the unit is aligned with.  For example, "What do the Balkans in the 1990s (the subject of the article) have to do with the First World War (US History, Chapter 11).  For each unit exam, I will provide you with a hint that will get you off to a good start.  The way to produce a quality answer is to provide a large amount of historical facts and details as you develop your ideas. 
The hint for unit one is:  WWI began in the Balkans.
Also, the Geography portion of the class can be understood by opening the file below titled Geography Assignments.  These assignments will be due every two weeks.  There are a total of four geography assignments.
If you have any questions, you can email me by clicking my name in this portal. If you want to email me when you are not on this website, my email address is: [email protected] 

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